By Prof. Jan van Impe, Dr Geert Gins, KU Leuven
SCORES4CHEM is a knowledge platform aimed at Safety, Control & Optimization via Research, Education and Services for the Chemical and life sciences industry. It is funded by the Industrial Research Fund of the KU Leuven, and co-financed by Essenscia, the Belgian federation for the chemical and life sciences industry.</p>\r\n<p>SCORES4CHEM supports the industry to further strengthen its competitive position by answering the growing need for Advanced Data Mining and Advanced Process Control, often in conjunction with process safety. In this presentation the \"Research\", \"Education\" and \"Services\" components of the</p>\r\n<p>platform will be illustrated. As for the \"Education\" component, in November 2009 the Chair Essenscia \"Safety Engineering\" was founded at the KU Leuven. One of the objectives of this Chair is to promote high quality education for industrial safety in order to meet the changing industrial demands and to keep up with major new developments in the field of technical and occupational safety.
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